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    Brand: AIR LIQUIDE
    ARCAL™ Force with EXELTOP™. The powerful gas solution for MAG welding of heavy structures: All-purpose MAG welding of carbon steels & highly tolerant of different fit-ups and surface preparations. EXELTOP™ is Air Liquide's next generation built-in regulator designed for gas users for whom ergonomics, cost efficiency, product accuracy and maximum safety are key decision-making factors. It is equipped with an on/off lever, a quick connect system and a permanent pressure gauge, allowing you to check the content of your cylinder anytime.
    SKU: F29ARLQD00002
    Availability: Available To Buy

    ARCAL™ Force with EXELTOP™

    The high-performance gas shielding solution for MAG welding of heavy structures.



    Product quality

    • Ar-18% CO2 with controlled oxidation level.

    • Compliant with ISO 14175-M21-ArC-18.

    • Low level of H2 O and N2 impurities.



    All-purpose MAG welding of carbon steel

    • All position welding.

    • Highly tolerant: oxidized or contaminated surfaces, gaps or mismatches.

    • Suitable for manual and automatic welding, solid or flux cored wire.

    Designed for heavy applications

    • Containers, earthmoving equipment, shipyards, etc.



    Weld quality

    • Mechanical properties secured with a large, rounded penetration weld shape.

    • Excellent weld bead soundness (X-ray quality).

    Savings and productivity

    • Reduction of filler material consumption by low spatter emissions compared to gases with higher CO2 content.


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